Testimonies of healing for Backs:

Testimony from Congleton Healing Rooms Team 21-1-2024
Towards the end of a Healing Service, a lady who had osteoporosis received prayer from members of the Healing Rooms team. The team led her in prayer to commit her life to Jesus Christ, and then prayed for her healing, and she felt warmth in her back. Two church members who saw her later that day could see a remarkable change in her back, its noticeably straighter and this lady is excited about it.
Testimony from Mid Suffolk Healing Rooms 8-1-2024
We prayed for a lady on Zoom, and she was in bed due to extreme back pain. Whilst we were praying she lit up and said “I see a dove in my home with bright light surrounding it”. She had seen a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. One of us received the word ‘Grass’ and saw her walking barefoot holding Jesus’ hand in a field. She said I have had that picture myself. She said “I believe that I will be able to walk freely again and that this picture was hope for coming healing”. She left feeling known, and that God was in her current situation. We prayed into her journey to total healing.
Testimony from Miracles & Healings Night 6-12-23
We prayed for a gentleman based in Germany who had excruciating back pain which had been diagnosed as touching bones in his back which was probably a slipped disc. At the end of the session we asked if he was feeling anything. He testified that when we prayed he felt something move.
Testimony from Miracles & Healings Night 13-09-23
We prayed for a lady from the USA who uses two canes and a walker because of a problem with her spine. Released scripture and pictures and she said she felt a little better. She felt God’s fire on her.
“About 5 months ago I tore a hole in one of my discs in my back. It was extremely painful, and the consultant described the pain as like pouring acid onto nerves, which explained why I kept passing out. He also said that it could take up to 2 years to heal. A few days later, God stirred me to rebuke the enemy and thank God for healing me. This enabled me to move slightly.
I have had a wonderful time with the Lord over the past few months and have had to totally depend on Him for everything.
Last Saturday I went to a Holy Spirit Evening, where many of the Healing Rooms team were praying. When they prayed for me, the Holy Spirit really came upon me and I was on the floor for some time. It felt like I had been under a sunbed for some time afterwards and I knew the Lord had healed me. That night I was able to have the duvet touch my back, something that I could not have coped with a few hours before. The following day I was able to walk for miles, dance and carry my granddaughter, none of which I could have done the day before.
God is awesome! I give him all the glory and thanks.”
“I went to Healing Rooms at Costa with my wife as I’ve had a bad back and a cough for over a year. I described my problems to the team who were really understanding and friendly. They prayed for me and one team member had a vision regarding my illness and how to remove it. They did not just say ‘right, that’s done’, and move on, they described the vision and what it means. I am now doing what was recommended and am seeing an improvement in my cough. They then prayed for my back, and immediately I felt the discs were better! I also had a problem with my sciatic nerve, which was probably due to the lower back putting pressure on it. Now the back issue is healed, I expect the nerve to repair and get better, but if not, I’ll be back for more! Just give it a try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”
“In 1978 I had suffered 2 slipped discs in the base of my spine and this had caused a blockage in the spinal canal. I experienced a lot of pain for many years and was prescribed strong pain killers. I went to the Healing Rooms in Halifax where a team of people prayed for me. I experienced the supernatural touch of God on my body. It felt like my whole spinal system was being re-arranged and re-structured. After the prayer time my back felt wonderful! I did not write my testimony for 2 months as I wanted to make sure that I could honestly say – I have been healed.”
“My 13-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with Scoliosis and had a very severe curvature in her lower spine. The area Lumber 1 to Lumber 4 were very curved and thias would in later life have a huge impact in childbirth and labour and the surgeon was very aware of the risk in fusing her spine over this area. I brought her with my wife to the Healing Rooms as I am a great believer of God’s miraculous power of healing in impossible situations. As my daughter was prayed for in the presence of my wife – to quote them
‘As I was prayed for healing in the name of Jesus Christ my right leg shot forward into line with my left leg, mums face went white with shock.’ ‘As my daughter was prayed for I saw her leg lurch forward, I saw it and couldn’t believe it.’ On 5th March, my daughter went in for surgery and the Surgeon said that after pre operation X-rays he was “surprised” to say that she no longer needed lower spine surgery to his medical confusion. Praise God!”
“I requested prayer for ‘lower back problems’ which I had had for nearly 40 years. It was due to an incident which happened when my youngest son was a small baby.
God healed my back; He re-aligned my spine, and all pressure and inflammation were healed. Apparently one of my legs had been shorter than the other, which I did not realise. After prayer my legs were measured together, they became level.
I was given wholeness, mobility and strength. I received a fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit, joy, and healing. I danced and ran all-round the room, things I had not done for many years.
I give all the praise, honour and glory to my wonderful God.”
“For 2 months I had been struggling with sciatica; severe pain in my back & down my leg & in my groin caused by a pinched nerve. On the day prior to my visit to the Ripon Healing Rooms my pain had worsened & in the evening I could not manage to even sit up & watch TV. Also, it hurt to put pressure on my left leg. The next evening after receiving prayer at The Healing Rooms in Ripon by 2 members of the team, my back was much improved & I have been able to sit up without pain. I returned to the Healing Room a second time to give thanks and for continued strength as I plan to return to work soon.”
“I have been a member of the local Healing Rooms team that meet in the Costa Coffee shops and have been blessed by some really sound teaching as part of our training programme.
This is my story – In October 2017 I developed a pain in my left hip, this was subsequently diagnosed as a torn Glute muscle and physiotherapy prescribed. The physiotherapy finished in March 2018, but the pain persisted, further examination suggested a dislocation of the sarco-iliac joint, this was pushed back into place and further physio suggested. During May the pain got worse and was travelling all the way down my left leg. At this point the physiotherapist suggested I should get an MRI scan as there were possible stenotic changes in the pelvic area that were causing the pain. The MRI scan was arranged through my GP. At that point in time I had come upon a book that was suggesting the primary creative force in nature was sound. When God spoke, the earth was created (Genesis). This resonated in my mind with some teaching that the Healing Rooms team had had on declarations and prophecy. As part of my morning devotions I started to prophecy healing into my pelvic area by speaking this out. Within a week all pain had gone, praise God for this healing and the lesson to be learned from this.”
“Just before Christmas, I had pain in my back, side and right round the front and under my ribs, beginning very suddenly. The doctor diagnosed a muscular problem. However, the pain continued right through until early April. I saw the doctor again, had an ultrasound scan, saw the physio and was given exercises, but it persisted. In April I visited the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee and two team members prayed for me and laid hands on me for healing. Within two to three weeks after this the pain began to gradually subside and is now hardly noticeable and for this, I thank God and for using this team to minister to me.”
“For several weeks I have had increased pain in the muscle tissue in my back, and at times it has been almost too much to bear. I have had prayer from the team previously over this issue. I had overheard one of the prayer team say that sometimes it is not always the symptoms that need the prayer but there can be an underlying factor – citing an example of holding on to unforgiveness. I felt that I needed to apply that to my own situation – although I was not aware of any unforgiveness. So, I knew that I needed to go to Healing Rooms for more prayer and I went that evening.
When two of the prayer team were about to pray for me I suddenly remembered that matter of unforgiveness and mentioned this to them. Two names came to my mind from about thirty years ago. I was able to forgive and release them from any judgements I had towards them. I still had the back pain.
The next morning I awoke with no pain. I was so praising God! As the day wore on the pain came back, but I was having none of it so I started to take authority in the name of Jesus.
Friday morning when I awoke I was pain free and have been free ever since, today being Monday of the following week.”
“I was training for the London Marathon this year, my very first marathon, when I ran into injury. My back seized up three and a half weeks before the start date and I could not run at all. I was in a good deal of discomfort and pain. This was a real worry, as I not only wanted to fulfil a lifelong dream, but I had pledged to raise £1700 for charity and I feared that I would let them down. I went to the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee for prayer. One of the team who prayed for me, said that she believed that there would be a supernatural cushioning on my back and that Jesus would run with me all the way. Sure enough, miraculously I ran the 26.2 miles with no back problems and felt God’s presence with every step. It was amazing. To top it all, as I crossed the finish line, I looked up to see a guy dressed as Jesus crossing the line just in front of me! What a sense of humour God has! 39,000 people completed the marathon that day and I cross with someone dressed as him. It was as if Jesus said, “There you are, told you I’d be with you all the way around!” I have to say that in all my years as a Christian, God never ceases to amaze me.”
“At a recent Healing Rooms training evening, the content of the study included the power of testimony and how testimony can be used to bring healing into situations that are like the original testimony. The trainer reminded the group that the word ‘testimony’ comes from the Hebrew meaning ‘to do again’.
At this session one of the attendees shared how healing as a result of prayer had taken away intense pain that had developed in the lower back and pelvis.
The leader of the group took this as an opportunity to practice the lesson from the teaching and asked if anyone other persons had pain issues in the lower back or pelvis, three hands were raised. The member who had shared the testimony was asked to pray prophetically over these three persons using his own testimony and asking God to ‘do it again’. Two out of the three experienced a significant lessening of the symptoms and now some weeks later one of them is free from the pain that had lasted for several years. Praise to God for this blessing.”
“I was experiencing some quite uncomfortable lower back muscular pain which was restricting movement and being able to sleep. It also prevented me from playing and enjoying squash as fully as I like to. This was very frustrating and painful.
Three people from my local Healing Rooms prayed for my back. There was a warm sensation where one of them had placed their hand on my back. I immediately felt partial relief from the pain and discomfort. They prayed again and there was further improvement. I had a much better night’s sleep and when I awoke the next morning the pain had gone! Praise God! A big thank you to the people who prayed and for being available to be used by God.”
I went through two major accidents within 1 year. The main injury I ended up with was a slipped disk. Extremely painful. With the second accident it aggravated that condition which before the second accident happened had healed to the better, it was not gone but better. And with other injuries pains and aches in my body after the second accident I got told that I had ended up in a traumatized state. In a so-called shock protection mode, too much for my body and mind to cope with. I ended up visiting healing rooms and got a healing cloth. On my latest visit (May) I was placed on a chair during the healing and prayer. I was told to lift my legs up in the air and was told one leg was a bit shorter. This explained and always confirmed the uneven feeling I had after the last accident. It became the longest session I ever had there, and I really felt it, leaving the healing rooms. I felt such calmness, I felt very tired, and peaceful and just wanted to sleep and did so for two days after that visit. I will visit healing rooms again as the pain and ache came back, a stubborn one… but I know I will get help with this pain, how do I know? Let me tell you…After my first accident ending up with a slipped disc I was guided to find and visit healing rooms. On my third visit during the healing session, prayer it felt like strings with electricity mixed with pain was activated in the slipped disk area… I felt it there and then that something else was going on, something big…. I got help! That same night I woke up from very deep sleep with such peace in my mind, having a very strange thing happening… I got “Jesus blood…. Jesus blood running through your body” and suddenly I felt and heard a click in my back… From that moment that crucial pain I had was gone! I am not saying everything disappeared, but the crucial critical pain left me completely there and then. And again, I felt even… when walking as I felt uneven before… One story I got told there about a person who ended up in a car accident, with a broken back, hospitalised… until “she got healed” and it is like it never happened it is a story I will never forget… I met this person myself…So yes, I am confident believing I will end up there again, without the pain and all aches. And, I am always having my prayer cloth with me… I’m certain it helps as well.…I want to thank all you beautiful lovely people all over the world at healing rooms who make the effort and your own private time to help other people, this is priceless and so beautiful.…
Praise the Lord!!!! A quick note to say thank you very much for your powerful prayer. K. is doing so well and is now out of hospital. Turns out his back is not fractured, instead it is just badly bruised; the doctor said that the X-ray was inaccurate! God is Good, All the Time.
I humbly confirm that I was instantaneously relieved of excruciating low back-pain due to a degenerative vertebra disc problem. Healing was due to your sincere and faith-based prayers. I still need continual intercessory prayers from the Healing Rooms. Please do not hide my identity as God is using London Healing Rooms and its members to help and reconstruct lives and destinies of people all over.
About five or six weeks ago I took my son who is twelve to the GP with back pain. The GP looked at his back and diagnosed scoliosis or curvature of the spine. She said it was quite severe and she referred him to a physiotherapist. We were all quite worried and on the following Saturday when his sister went to the healing rooms, she asked for prayer for him. The teenagers and leaders prayed for him and sent a prayer cloth home.
He took the prayer cloth to bed and over the next couple of days the pain really eased. We really did not think any more about it until Monday this week when after reading something on the internet. I looked at his back again. I discovered the upper curve is gone totally and the lower big curve in the spine is, I would say, 95% gone. (Why didn’t I look earlier? I have so little faith!) If there had ever been anything wrong with this spine you would never notice a problem. We praise the Lord for his healing.
I came last week, and I was really blessed. I run an orphanage in India, and I always feel under pressure and always feel pain in my neck and back of my head. But after prayer last week the pain calmed down and I feel good, as if somebody has taken all my burdens from my shoulders. I just want to say thanks for the wonderful healing and I also want to give thanks for my sisters and brothers whom the Lord is using for this wonderful ministry. God bless you.
I came last week to have prayer for my back which was giving me great pain. My back was completely healed, thank you Jesus.
I came on Wednesday evening; the welcome was very loving. I had prayer and my lower back and crushed disc was healed and my right leg grew1 ½” and I no longer have any pain. It is so wonderful, no pain, peace at last. God is wonderful, thank you Jesus.
I came for prayer, walking on crutches after sustaining a fall which resulted in surgery. Despite the surgery I continued in excruciating pain until I came to the healing rooms for ministry. The spirit/demon responsible for my pain was rebuked and therefore I have walked in freedom from back pain/spinal damage, depression, worry and anxiety. To God be the glory! Thank you, Lord, for the healing rooms.
My back has been healed whilst I was having prayer. As I came out to go downstairs, I realised I could run down the stairs. Praise God.
I was suffering from constant pain in my lower back, it had been occurring for some time. It was a blessing to have a friend recommend me to the Healing Rooms. It had been my first time to have experienced a prayer session, it was amazing – the power of the Lord when hands were laid upon me, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit taking the pain away. It has been five weeks since I have been prayed for, the pain ceased completely, and I am delighted to be able to carry out my day to day activities without fear of being in agony. Thanks to the Lord Jesus.
Last year the Healing Team came to my church in East London. To be honest I was totally sceptical of their power to heal. However, I went forward to be healed of Sciatica. I could not walk for more than about 5 minutes without pain. Shopping was a nightmare with me stopping every few minutes to rest. However, after the team prayed for me, I found later that week I could walk without pain. This year I did a 2-mile walk without a problem. I believe God used the team to heal me and know that he can heal through them-even when you are a sceptic yourself.
Thank you for praying for my back. It is better now, and I am really happy. Thank you, God!
After a visit to healing rooms for prayer, I went for a bone scan and the results came back clear. Also, the back pain I had been experiencing is cleared. Thanks to God!!
I came to the Healing Rooms where 3 people prayed for me and I was healed of a terrible prickling pain/itch of my feet and severe back pain. I was also emotionally healed. The Lord God Almighty has also restored the broken relationship I had with my father. I praise God for all he is doing.
Presence Conference 2021
A lady from the USA injured her right hip two and a half years ago and injured it again causing lower back pain. She had also lost contact with her Christian faith. Broke her spirit of fear and told the bones, muscles and tendons to be strong and healed in Jesus Name. Also we prayed that she would know God’s love in her life once again and for her family life. She came in weeping and left full ofsmiles and said, “My muscles don’t hurt now!”
Presence Conference 2021 Day 2
A gentleman from the Dominican Republic came into our prayer room. As his English was a little rusty, we were able to deliver simultaneous translation English-Spanish/Spanish-English as Spanish is my first language. He had been called into the healing ministry from a very young age, but false teaching ’taught him out of’ the idea that God heals today. He dreamt of becoming a professional baseball player, but his dream was shattered following a couple of injuries that had left him with severe pain in his back, neck and knees, as well as reduced movement. He was seeking an encounter with the Holy Spirit as well as healing. We ministered to him about broken dreams and released him of trauma, pain and stolen joy. When it came time to pray for him, he called both of his daughters to lay their hands on him and we led each one into prayer for their dad. We proclaimed over him that he would become the pastor in his own house; that he would teach the truth about Jesus and His healing power to his family; that both of his daughters will follow Jesus all the days of their lives; and that they will be released into healing ministry, so that he would see his dream come true through his daughters, in the same way that King David saw his dream of building the temple come true through his son Solomon. The gentleman left certain to have been healed and was grateful for the reassurance he had felt through the team’s ministry. He also felt the love of God. What a night!