A warm welcome to our website, which we hope you will find informative, interesting and inspiring. You should be able to find out all you need to know.
You can find:
- The National Prayer Line, which is our “Phoneline Healing Rooms”
- Healing Rooms locations
- Testimonies from visitors who have received healing
- News from the Healing Rooms family
- Newsletters
- Events diary
Each spring we have a National Conference, which is always greatly appreciated and a wonderful blessing.
If you are interested in receiving regular emails including our Newsletter, Events, Activities and Testimonies, go to the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.
Enjoy your visit to our website and if you would like more information about anything in which we are involved, please get in touch. use the contact details to drop us a line or give us a ring.
Healing Rooms England and Wales (HREW) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission under Number 1125094. Your generosity helps to support the ministry of HREW both nationally and locally.
You can give easily through our website, either with a one-off payment or with a monthly subscription.