Healing Rooms England & Wales has many testimonies from those who have experienced healing after receiving prayer from our Healing Rooms Teams.
Our Healing Rooms Teams minister in-person in churches and cafes (such as Costa Coffee), via the National Prayer Phone Line, through Zoom, and provide the English language Zoom Prayer rooms for the International Association of Healing Rooms ‘Miracles and Healing’ nights.
These testimonies cover all sorts of health issues, physical, emotional or relational. Our focus is always on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to work through us to bring about healing and we have seen Him do many amazing miracles. The word Testimony means “to do again”, as in Revelation 19 :10 – “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”.
If you, or someone you know, is suffering from a particular health issue, we may well have seen breakthrough in that area. All the testimonies are listed and categorised, Browse through the categories and read those that are relevant. Perhaps share them with friends who are suffering in those areas. This of course does not limit God to healing only these categories; like Jesus when he was here on earth, he is able to heal all who come to Him.
Healing Rooms England & Wales has many testimonies from those who have experienced healing after receiving prayer from our Healing Rooms Teams. Our Healing Rooms Teams minister in-person in churches and cafes (such as Costa Coffee), via the National Prayer Phone Line, through Zoom, and provide the English language Zoom Prayer rooms for the International Association of Healing Rooms ‘Miracles and Healing’ nights.
These testimonies cover all sorts of health issues, physical, emotional or relational. Our focus is always on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to work through us to bring about healing and we have seen Him do many amazing miracles. The word Testimony means “to do again”, as in Revelation 19 :10 – “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”.
If you, or someone you know, is suffering from a particular health issue, we may well have seen breakthrough in that area. All the testimonies are listed and categorised, Browse through the categories and read those that are relevant. Perhaps share them with friends who are suffering in those areas. This of course does not limit God to healing only these categories; like Jesus when he was here on earth, he is able to heal all who come to Him.
A Prayer for Healing
“Father my heart rises to meet you and I thank you for the privilege of praying for others. We welcome you Holy Spirit and I bring (name of person being prayed for) before you and I thank you for them. May your presence overshadow them as I/we pray and ask that this testimony of healing (read testimony) may release the same healing anointing on (name of person being prayed for), that they may be healed and restored to full health – In the mighty name of Jesus – Amen”
Testimonies by Category
Abcess, Cysts, Growths and other Lumps
Anger, Anxiety, Fear and Trauma
Blood Pressure, Strokes & Heart Conditions
Debilitating Conditions: IBS, MS, etc.
Employment, Accommodation & Provision
Head, Headaches & Sinus Troubles
Life Stories of God’s Gracious Work
Mental Health, Depression, OCD & Emotions
Organs, Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, Gallstones
Rejection, Inner Healing & Fathers Love
Spiritual Attack & Release from Strongholds
Wombs, Ovaries and Pregnancies
Testimonies from Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee
The testimonies in this group are a selection from those that resulted from prayer at some of the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee. The testimonies shown are written in the words of those that received healing, the names have been changed. We give praise to our Lord and Saviour for all these healings.
Video Testimonies
Testimonies from the IAHM Miracles & Healing Nights
The testimonies in this group are a selection from those that resulted from prayer at one of the Miracles & Healings Nights organised by the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHM). Healing Rooms England & Wales act as agents for IAHM and provide the prayer ministers for the English-speaking prayer room. The testimonies shown are all from the English-speaking prayer room. The other language speaking prayer rooms have all experienced many healings for which we thank our Lord and Saviour.
Click here to see the testimonies.