Testimonies of healing from cancer:
An eighty three year old lady in Malta encounters the miraculous healing power of Jesus!
Well, it all started in March 2023. My son asked me to see an MRI scan of an 83 year old lady who happened to be the grand mother of his girlfriend. I was literally shocked as it showed a mass in the maximal (right side of face) which was invading the skull bones in all directions cranially, caudally, laterally and medially. I compared it to a large octopus in a small matchbox.
Then I spoke to her son and told him about the seriousness of the situation and that if she was my mother I would just keep her comfortable and pain free. (the hiss of the serpent silenced). He said that they booked her to see the oncologist and I told him ‘yes, go ahead’.
They went to the oncologist and he said that she has 20% chance. I agreed with him to take her, after all he was the expert given that she would also agree. She consented.
I asked the family whether they would like her to be prayed with at Healing Rooms. She agreed and came over with her son. We took the opportunity and we prayed with them both. During prayer we discovered that there was a blockage, unforgiveness towards her daughter. We explained to her that unless she forgives her our prayers will be useless. By grace she accepted and forgave. After confirming and reassuring ourselves that she forgave her we prayed.
In May she went for a radiotherapy course which was once a week for 6 weeks. She did the 2nd MRI in August 2023. They showed me the second report and it was as if it belonged to another person. Not only WAS THERE COMPLETE RESOLUTION OF THE MASS but there was ALSO BONE REMODELING AND DENTAL RESTORATION IN THE FLOOR OF THE MAXILLARY SINUS WHICH MEANS THE ROOF OF THE MOUTH.
LET us remember that the cancer had destroyed the latter aspect of the facial bones and invaded the fat pad of the buccal space. Never, ever have I heard that such bone repair can occur concurrently while the patient is being treated for her cancer let alone the eradication of the tumour itself.
This is God’s work. To Him be the honour and glory forever and ever.
This testimony has been submitted by a doctor in Malta

- We Welcomed a lady in who told us of her sufferings with liver cancer.
We anointed her with oil before ministering… We prayed over her liver and the cancer. We prayed the Lord give complete healing over her and through her body and bound the cancer.
She confessed to us of having had feelings of anger over it and she had felt intensity of anger and profound annoyance of relationship difficulties with work mates. We asked her if we could pray into Unforgiveness and change it for Forgiveness and we asked her if she would like to repeat the prayer over herself… We also asked her to say sorry to the Lord. We also prayed over her head and she said it felt improved.
We explained to her that sometimes we can be affected by Trauma or events that have shaped their personality through life by carrying them, ie generational or shock trauma. We prayed for God’s protection and all sin forgiven over her.
- This lady then told us of her sister who was on Palliative Care in a Hospice who is terminally ill with cancer, with only a few weeks to live. Very traumatic for her. We prayed over her sister that God’s love, healing and protection be over her and free her from any sin in her life and that the Lord loves her and will be with her from here to Eternity.
We anointed a Prayer Cloth with the Cross of Jesus… and we all prayed over it… so she could give it to her sister and the staff at the Hospice to pray over her.
This lady thanked us all. At the end I told her I had had a picture from the Lord that morning after hearing of my Healing Rooms appointment in the afternoon. The Lord showed me a pale mauve, sparkly Coral in the shape of a diamond.
I told her I then had a Word from the Lord: Complete Peace flow into her. That the Lord loves her, and His light shines over her. I then said this Prayer:
My Peace I Ieave you. My Peace I give you. Trouble not your heart. My Peace I leave you. My Peace I give you. Be not afraid. TAIZE-UTube.
On leaving she said to me, “you are spot on. My favourite things, Coral and prayer”. She felt very moved.
We explained if she ever needed more prayer we are there for her. Amen.
- Just before 1st lockdown, in March 2020, I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin Lymphoma and was told it was treatable but not curable. Given the timing and the uncertainty of anyone being offered chemo, I left the choice to the Lord, and accepted the treatment when it was offered.
I have recently had a scan following the recurrence of some concerning symptoms. The consultant showed me both the original and the recent scans. The original scan showed my spleen was almost twice it’s usual length and had 2 large tumours in it. There were also other tumours, enlarged lymph nodes throughout my body. Also some liver levels had shown a concerning spike. I asked for prayer at both Havering and London Healing Rooms and from other groups I am connected to.
The recent scan showed that my spleen is back to its correct size with no signs of tumours, the other tumours have also gone, my liver levels are back to normal for me and the consultant does not want to see me for 4 months.
I hold onto the scripture that tells me I am healed by Jesus wounds – not the doctors prognosis.
Thank you Jesus and all the people who prayed for me.
We had a lady who wanted a prayer cloth. She had been diagnosed with a Hernia. She placed the prayer cloth under her pillow and when she went to the hospital for further investigation all the news was good and not what she was expecting, that the Hernia had gone and there was only scar tissue. She said she had other issues and they had gone too.
- “I was diagnosed with an abdominal large aggressive high grade lymphoma, in August 2020. Since then, I have completed six months of chemotherapy, which was undergirded in prayer throughout via regular Zoom meetings with the Healing Rooms’ team. Each of these meetings left me feeling totally held in God’s love and at peace about my situation. Seven months on: the growth has reduced from 10.5cm to 4cm. and there are no cancer cells present. Praise The Lord! I would like to thank Healing Rooms for their faithful, sensitive prayers during this very difficult time in my life.”
- “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The news tore me into pieces. All my plans for the year was kept aside as I began to fight for my life. I called upon so many men of God both in UK and back home to agree with me in prayer. I prayed without ceasing both day and night. In my church so many pastors were called together to take my case up in prayers. A sister in the Lord told me about Healing Rooms, and I came to agree with you in prayer 3 times. I want to let you know that the God that we serve answers us. I continued to go for chemotherapy in hospital and at a point I was asked to do a check. The mammogram, CT and MRI scans all returned a shocking result to the oncologists and my consultant. There was no longer any trace of cancer on my breast or any other part of my body. As I write, I have just come back from my meeting with my consultant where he decided that I will no longer need a mastectomy, even ordinary surgery, I will not need again. I am totally healed and in meeting with my consultant and the oncologist they declared my case is a rare one. They were incredibly happy. They advised me to have radiotherapy just to complete the treatment. Praise God with me!”
- “My niece, who is five years old, was diagnosed with a cancerous tumour in her neck and stomach. She was sent a prayer cloth by the Healing Rooms and has been healed. Praise God.”
- “After a great time of blessing at the Healing Rooms I asked for a healing cloth for my brother-in-law, who has prostate cancer. I sent the cloth by post; he was delighted but said ‘I don’t know what to believe in but will keep the cloth with me’. Last report after a visit to the hospital was that his blood count is normal. Praise God!”
- “Daniel’s grandmother came into Healing Rooms in Portland to tell us that her 8-year-old grand-son had leukaemia and would we anoint a handkerchief for him. Daniel’s parents agreed to this. So, the team prayed over the handkerchief and Daniel’s granny got it to her grandson, who in turn took it into hospital with him. One of the nurses saw it and was about to take it away until Daniel said “That’s my handkerchief with oil on it. I’m going to be made better.” A short time later, Daniel was back at school, fit and well with a fully restored head of hair and bushy eyebrows!’ Simple, child-like faith!”
- “A lady who visited had been diagnosed with cancer and was told that she would need two operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She received prayer, and despite the prognosis found herself frequently full of the Lord’s joy after meditating on the scripture she had been given; ‘May the God of hope fill you with all peace and joy as you trust in Him.’ (Romans 15:13). She had the first operation, but when returned for second liver scan result was told that all signs of cancer in the liver had gone. Surgeon twice said, ‘This is most unusual’. He was also puzzled that the cancer cells taken from the first operation biopsy ‘had changed’. She was discharged free of cancer and with no more operations or chemotherapy required.”
- “I survived cancer of the throat and neck; I was diagnosed with skin cancer by my GP. On that day I was put in touch with Pontypridd Healing Rooms. It was early afternoon on a Wednesday, so with great anxiety I visited them. I was treated with respect and dignity…. The healing was marvellous. I really walked on a cloud when I left the building, it was amazing! The person who walked out of the Healing Room was a different person. I had trusted in our Lord and He had raised me up and granted me peace.
I attended the first hospital appointment and the original basal cell cancer had disappeared; a miracle! However, the consultant felt there were other areas that were suspicious, so it was arranged to have them removed. A few months later I arrived at the hospital for my surgery. I told my consultant that I did not feel I needed the surgery as my skin had improved. My consultant agreed with me and I explained the power of our Lord to him and what had happened at the Healing Rooms in Pontypridd. This really was a miracle…. Thank you for your love and support, I will never forget your kindness.”
- I had an ovarian cyst the size of a lemon and was in considerable pain with several trips to the hospital. I came for prayer in September and felt the healing anointing on me in a serious way. I was told to press in continually and stand on the word of God. Praise God the medical report in October shows no sign of any growths or tumours.
- I visited the Healing Rooms @ Costa team in Congleton early in 2019. My elderly father had been living with prostate cancer for some years and my younger brother had recently been diagnosed with the same type of cancer which had unfortunately spread to his bones and lungs. I had been having a few of the same symptoms and thought that I had better get myself checked out too. Blood tests and doctor’s appointments had progressed to a consultant’s visit where I was told that things did not look right, and scans and biopsies would be needed. With the prospect of a couple of months’ worth of anxious waiting ahead of me I decided to ask for prayer from the Healing Room team. They were very friendly and sympathetic and prayed with me, asking for God to be with me and with my family during this difficult time. The months spent waiting for results was not easy, but I did very much feel that I was being supported and that God was walking beside me and would be with me whatever the outcome. I did not feel afraid and was able to cope with a busy work and family life. When I recently received the ‘all clear’ I felt that it was a real answer to prayer. My father is still stable, and my brother’s treatment has been working very well, he is now pain free for the first time in two years.”
- I found a lump in my breast; it was the second time that this had happened; I had a benign lump removed in 2000 but this lump was different. I went to the Breast Clinic and was told it was “highly suspicious” and I needed to have a core biopsy. I was extremely worried and convinced that I had breast cancer. I decided to visit the healing rooms. Whilst waiting I shared with one of the team and she prayed for me straight away.
I went upstairs to have further prayer and ministry. After I felt much more peaceful however something still was not right. The following day I spent time asking the Lord what was going on. He brought back to my mind something that had happened in the past. I was able to rebuke the negative words spoken over me and I forgave the person who said them. A few days later I could no longer feel the lump. I went back to have the core biopsy and when I had the results everything was fine, and no further treatment was needed. I explained that I had received prayer for healing, and I believed that the Lord had healed my disease. Thank you, Jesus, for my healing. My thanks are also due to the healing room team for their faithful and sensitive ministry performed through our amazing Lord.
- A few weeks ago, I came to the healing rooms for prayer, after undergoing surgery to remove some cancer. I was really blessed by the peace I felt as I was being prayed for. Many have been praying for me and now yourselves. A recent CT scan revealed that I am now cancer –free PRAISE THE LORD.
- I went to the healing rooms a couple of weeks ago and was prayed for regarding a hospital appointment I was having to attend to check me for abnormal cells. I went today and the hospital found nothing. Thank you, Lord, for my healing.
- My blood test for prostate monitoring (normal 4/5) was recording 160! My doctor believed this indicated an outbreak of cancer probably around my body and permeating into my bones. I received several words from the Lord and others about “healing”. The Healing Rooms was a significant source of living prayer currently amongst others. Rigorous bone and body scans came back from the hospital showing nothing at all. Prostate monitoring fell from 192 to 1.5 – complete healing Hallelujah.
- I am giving a testimony on behalf of my sister who received her healing from cancer. I used to come to the Healing Rooms every week to pray for her when she was diagnosed and to the glory of God she is healed and completely free. I believe that God answers prayers, all we must do is to ask, and I am living proof. There is nothing too difficult for Him and with Him all things are possible. All the doctors in South Africa where she was receiving treatment were completely amazed by her recovery. She has gone for several other check-ups and no tumour is found. PRAISE GOD.
- I was diagnosed with cancer over 11 years ago. In Dec 2005 I had a body scan and was told that there were 3 tiny nodules in my left lung and many lesions throughout the vertebral bodies and pelvis. I have been going to the Healing Rooms for nearly a year and I am incredibly pleased with the result I have today. God is good to me and has answered my prayer. The last report I had was good and my consultant is impressed. He told me the body scan showed no evidence of bony metastases. I feel very well in myself and praise God daily. Thank you, Jesus, for you are the same yesterday today and forever more, you are the greatest healer. A big thank you to the Healing Rooms staff for their patience and love.
- I thank God for the ministry I received here in the Healing Rooms the weeks before having surgery for bowel cancer. The times I spent here were very precious and helped me to stay positive and strong. There were many words and thoughts which were given to me through various people by the Lord. It is about eight months since my operation, and I have made a great recovery. Whatever I am now it is because God poured out such kindness and grace upon me. 1 Cor. 15V10
- My wife asked for prayer for my sister who has had most of her stomach removed because of cancer. She is feeling a lot better than she has for a long time and the prayer cloth has not even reached her yet.
- I went to Bart’s Hospital with severe pain in my right shoulder. The doctor I saw thought I might have another tumour there, also I was told there was something wrong with my liver and kidneys. She said I should go for an MRI scan. After the scan I had to wait until she wrote to me. A letter came three weeks later to tell me nothing could be found that I was clear. All I needed was physiotherapy. All I can do is to thank everyone for their prayers and to praise God. King George hospital said I had tumours too, but you prayed for me at the Healing Rooms and I am well.
Presence Conference 2021
Immediately when she spoke I heard/saw from God ‘spirit of fear/panic’. Woman who had breast cancer for 7 years and chosen not to be treated with chemo and surgery. But with a prayer group together she had taken authority over it, which had diminished it for five years in a row. She proclaimed verses about her body every day. Since covid was there, the cancer had grown (scan showed it). She herself was thinking about a connection to stress. I saw with Papa that breast cancer was a manifestation of the spirit of fear and she had authority over that in prayer for 5 years with success, until covid broke out (also fear). Team members asked her again when she got it, then she made the link to her mother: she got cancer the year her mother died. I saw a ghost moving houses there – searching another place. I asked her if her mother had any panic- and anxiety disorders, which she confirmed with “oh definitely, she was always panicked and scared!” A team member asked if it really was cancer (some things are mistaken for cancer), she replied that this was the doctor’s result in 2014 – breast cancer without metastases and she had check ups since then. Her doctor was open-minded so did not pressure into chemo, etc. Then we knew enough, we prayed. She experienced a tremendous anointing from God flowing over her head as we prayed and a tingling sensation, what we said resonated for her. A team member broke off the orphan spirit, which was very powerful. We broke a soul bond with her mother and we took authority over the spirit of fear. I spoke also to her breasts to function (what to do/what not). We took God’s word and said to her ‘you are healed’ and I saw that too: she needed deliverance, not healing (it manifested as cancer). I asked God to show her where she opened the door to fear last year (which she in the meantime acknowledged). Only after the prayer ended, we saw that door and we closed it over her – in prayers. That was also spot on. She said she was deeply touched by God, we saw that too. I realised she was lacking love (fear back is lack of love in a part of your system, 1 John 4:18) and told her what God showed me about her; how delighted He was to her about her being such a warrior with and in Him. And how awesome she was right on track. I gave her a hint to ask someone for a hug, which she understood. She hung up full of gratitude, writing everything down, completely encouraged and I believe back on her awesome track of overcoming breast cancer.
Presence Conference 2021 Day 1
A lady from Australia came to the prayer room for the second time, seeking further prayer for painful feet after a minor accident, and also for a tumour in her breast. She was led in a declaration of Healing over her body, and as the team released healing prayer she was visibly touched, and wasencouraged to keep speaking God’s healing word over her body.
Presence Conference 2021
A lady asked for prayer for eyesight. Left leg pain and cyst in her left breast. Healing prayer was released and encouragement given to declare the healing word of God over her body. She said pain was less in her leg and felt that the lump in breast was smaller. Prayer hindered by language barrier, but there was a real sense that God had moved in the situation, praising the Lord.