Eyes and Eyesight
Testimonies of healing for eyes and eyesight:

“My optician told me that I had rapid degeneration in the macula (back surface) of my right eye. He said that I needed to go to an eye hospital. The evening before the appointment, a team from the Healing Rooms prayed for me. I went to the hospital and the doctor said that my eye was totally healed – I had realised immediately because I could see through the spectacles.
My optician re-examined me and couldn’t find any trace of the previous degeneration! Praise the Lord!”
“A lady came for prayer since an optician had found that the pressure in her eyes was abnormally high and was told that further tests would be required. This was particularly worrying because of a family history of glaucoma. Soon afterwards, she sent an email ‘I just wanted to thank everyone for praying for me last Friday. I went to the Optician on Saturday morning and had a couple of eye pressure tests. I am delighted to say that they are now registering as having more normal pressure, so everything is fine’.”
“Last week during prayer in the healing rooms my eyes were prayed for. I had not been able to see out of my right eye for about twenty years. But after prayer I was able to see a little and every day since I have been able to see more and more.”
“We were praying for people on the street in Nailsea. Two young ladies asked one of our team members for prayer as one of them had failing eyesight. After prayer she saw a bright light, so prayer was continued and altogether was repeated a further three times. At the end of the prayer time she reported that everything was wonderfully clear. Praise the Lord!”
My husband and I decided to go on a holiday to Pickering, North Yorkshire. We had just had our baby son and were feeling tired so we thought it would be great to spend some time away together. During our holiday, my husband was taken extremely ill, his eyesight rapidly deteriorated and he had severe migraine headaches that resulted in him being violently sick. I prayed for him, as I knew that something was seriously wrong. When we got back from the holiday, I took him to have his eyes tested, he was taken straight into hospital and was kept there for 5 days. He had gone completely blind, and his blood pressure was 275/150. I visited him daily and would lay our little baby boy on his bed, he could not see him, but he knew he was there. Several people were praying for him. When he came home from hospital he needed to be nursed, he was still poorly. I felt that I should take him to the Healing Rooms for prayer, so I drove him there. I was welcomed warmly by the healing rooms team, and really impacted by God’s love through them. The team prayed for my husband and he regained about 70% of his sight!! Three days later his eyesight was completely restored. He went for CT scans, MRI scans, kidney tests, all the tests came back clear. He has been totally healed and has returned to work.”
“I had problems with my right eye from November 2012, causing bad pain on and off. Once, for a whole day, I was not able to see out of my right eye at all. Eventually after several trips to the GP and to the hospital, a problem was identified with the cornea in my right eye (the front part of the eye), diagnosed by my optician and a hospital consultant. The pain was caused when my eyelid stuck to the front of my eye during sleep and when I opened my eyes on awakening, my eyelid removed some of the cells from the cornea. I was told that the problem was incurable. The symptoms and pain could only be managed by medication. There was also a risk that it could get worse. I was given eye drops, ointment, and 3 months of antibiotics. I was told that later I might need laser treatment, but this could not cure the problem, only reduce the symptoms. I was unable to tolerate the antibiotics, so I did not take them, but I extensively used the drops and ointment. In November 2017, I attended a Healing Rooms training course for people interested in ministering at Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee. At the last session we divided into small groups around tables, drinking coffee as if we were in the coffee shop. At each table were two people (the prayer team members) and one client who needed prayer. This was a ‘practice session’. I was one of the clients and I asked the team to pray for my eyes. At first nothing seemed to change and then a few weeks later, I realised that I was using the daytime drops less and less. It seemed that I did not need them. I still carried on using the ointment at night though but had extraordinarily little pain. In January 2018, I went back to my optician, who told me that the cornea in my right eye was completely normal. In addition, for the first time ever (and I have been wearing glasses since the age of 10) my eyesight had improved! I give thanks and praise to the Lord for all He has done for me.”
“One Friday I went for a routine eye check-up and was told by my optician that it looked like I had the early signs of macular degeneration in my left eye! My heart sank as for the last 12 months plus I have been taking my mother in law to hospital to have monthly injections in her eye due to this same condition. I was scared – the thought of it horrified me.
The optician referred me to my doctor and who arranged for me to see an eye consultant. On the following Sunday I asked for prayer from two of the Healing Rooms team. Whilst they were praying, I became aware of what felt like a hair resting in the centre of my closed left eye. I did not think too much of that until the same thing happened again to the same eye, but just slightly to one side of the first one! I was aware that they were both the same length. Then, much to my surprise I felt the same thing just the once but on my right eye, again the same length.
One of those praying for me began to mention things to do with my home life and I began to think he had been in my house, but he assured me that it was only God that had been there.
When they had finished praying I asked if they could see anything in my eyes as it felt that the wisps of ‘hair’ were still on my eyes. I did not dare to open my eyes or cry, which I felt like doing. I could sense them looking but nothing was there that they could see. I left feeling really encouraged that I had had a touch from God!
My appointment with the consultant came through for the following Thursday, and on the Wednesday before I felt very wobbly about the appointment. I attended the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee and was prayed for again, for peace and reassurance. Once more I left feeling uplifted and confident of my healing.
The next day I attended my appointment with the eye consultant. PRAISE THE LORD he said, ‘there is nothing there!’ I leapt for joy outside the consultants too and my heart was singing praises to God for His amazing healing!”
In 2009 I went to Moorfields eye hospital and was diagnosed with Uveitis – the back of my eye was swollen. I was given medication to suppress the swollenness. I never gave up coming for prayer and by the help of the Almighty God I have now been discharged from the hospital and am not on any medication. I am healed in Jesus’ name. Amen
A couple of weeks prior to the Healing Rooms Conference in April 2019, my wife and I came to H.R. at Congleton and I had prayer for my eyes. I had Glaucoma which is degenerative & not reversible. I had failed an eye test for DVLA and lost my driving license. During April I had an appointment with the eye consultant, and he declared there was no further decline. Thus, encouraged I booked another DVLA eye test (at my own expense), and was able to do quite a lot better and made an appeal to DVLA. In May we were on holiday in Wales (Annette doing all the driving), and I sensed God tell me to book another eye test, so I did. Well what a surprise, when we got home there was a letter from DVLA asking me to book another test! This one went even better, and I achieved 119 out of 120! Finally, last Friday I received a new driving licence, Praise God! Would you please pass on my testimony, God bless you all!
Presence Conference 2021 Day 3
A lady from USA came for prayer for eye condition. The Spirit was really on her from the beginning and powerful prayer again.