Blood Pressure, Strokes & Heart Conditions
Testimonies of healing from blood pressure, strokes & heart conditions:
Ps 27:13 – I believe that I will see the LORD’S goodness in the land of the living.
A number of you have been praying for me ‘cos my blood chemistry was all at 6’s and 7’s, amongst other things.
Whilst I was being prayed for last night I started to feel less congested in my lungs and I noticed that when I went out to my car later and then to bed, I was not coughing. I had been coughing for months. I’m just doing ‘normal’ coughing this morning and breathing still feels more relaxed. Our healing God is so good. I won’t have blood test results for over a week – but, because of our loving Father, I’m expecting a huge change.
Thank you LORD.
And thank you for praying.

“I recently suffered from a bulging disc in my lower back. The pain in my back, hip and leg was severe. I needed Diazepam, Co-codamol and physical help to get out of bed. Even with this it was very difficult as my whole body went into spasm and I couldn’t lift my feet up. The only way I could move was by wiggling my toes to slowly move my foot forwards, whilst being supported by my husband. I would then drag the other foot behind me.
I had been planning on taking someone to Healing Rooms on the Thursday. I knew they really needed to go and I know the power of prayer. I kept asking the Lord to help me. I woke in the middle of Wednesday night and was still in a lot of pain and unable to move very much. I took more painkillers and said to the Lord if you want me to go tomorrow then you have to help me. I then lay in the dark, not daring to move until the painkillers started to work, eventually drifting off to a rather disturbed sleep once the medication kicked in.
When I woke early the next morning I at once felt pain but as I started to move something felt different. It hurt, but I could move. I announced to my husband that I was going to Healing Rooms. He looked at me doubtfully, but didn’t say anything other than ‘Well I hope you can get back!’ I dressed and my husband helped me get my socks and shoes on and I got into the car with difficulty. The only way to lift my legs in was to put my seat back as far as possible and then grab my trouser legs near the calf to help lift my feet into the car. Once I was in, then I was okay. I picked my friend up, avoiding getting out of the car until we got to Bourne.
Getting out of the car was challenging and I walked slowly into the Healing Rooms’ hall. We were welcomed and shown such love. I then had the team start praying for me. I immediately felt the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the prayer team put her hand on my back. It felt comforting with no pain. Previously I hadn’t been able to have anyone touch my back as it had been too tender. As they continued to pray, I felt such peace and the pain and stiffness in my body just started to disappear. I found I could move and twist at the waist. It was lovely and such a relief that I couldn’t stop smiling. I tested my body out by walking around the room, lifting my arms up and stepping from side to side. I left a different person from the one who arrived. Jesus had touched and blessed me.
It is now a couple of days since I went to Healing Rooms. My back has got stronger each day. I still have some hip pain but that is getting better too. I am able to stand and cook and have almost stopped the medications. I believe this will be completely better any day now. This disc has bulged a number of times in the past and each time previously it has taken weeks and weeks to heal. Not this time! It just needed one miraculous touch from Jesus and a number of committed Christians to stand in the gap for me. Thank you!”
“I came for prayer for high blood pressure it was 155/105. Later in the week my blood pressure was tested, and it was 135/92”.
“Three weeks ago, I came to the healing rooms. When I went back to my GP, I was told that my blood pressure had gone done. Alto the people I work with used to bully me but now all the bullying has stopped, and they are genuinely nice to me. Praise God”
When I woke early the next morning I at once felt pain but as I started to move something felt different. It hurt, but I could move. I announced to my husband that I was going to Healing Rooms. He looked at me doubtfully, but didn’t say anything other than ‘Well I hope you can get back!’ I dressed and my husband helped me get my socks and shoes on and I got into the car with difficulty. The only way to lift my legs in was to put my seat back as far as possible and then grab my trouser legs near the calf to help lift my feet into the car. Once I was in, then I was okay. I picked my friend up, avoiding getting out of the car until we got to Bourne.
Getting out of the car was challenging and I walked slowly into the Healing Rooms’ hall. We were welcomed and shown such love. I then had the team start praying for me. I immediately felt the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the prayer team put her hand on my back. It felt comforting with no pain. Previously I hadn’t been able to have anyone touch my back as it had been too tender. As they continued to pray, I felt such peace and the pain and stiffness in my body just started to disappear. I found I could move and twist at the waist. It was lovely and such a relief that I couldn’t stop smiling. I tested my body out by walking around the room, lifting my arms up and stepping from side to side. I left a different person from the one who arrived. Jesus had touched and blessed me.
It is now a couple of days since I went to Healing Rooms. My back has got stronger each day. I still have some hip pain but that is getting better too. I am able to stand and cook and have almost stopped the medications. I believe this will be completely better any day now. This disc has bulged a number of times in the past and each time previously it has taken weeks and weeks to heal. Not this time! It just needed one miraculous touch from Jesus and a number of committed Christians to stand in the gap for me. Thank you!”
Presence Conference 2021
A man on dialysis for several years after his kidneys were permanently damaged from a stroke. He was familiar with speaking to his organs and authority in Christ (I checked/asked him). He needed a creative miracle he said, we agreed. As soon as I spoke to his body in Jesus name I became sweating hot from God’s fire, I released the fire of the Holy Spirit over him, especially over his spine and kidneys. I saw God asking him to strengthen his spine (proverbial) in overcoming this damage – He knew Sonship but was challenged to grow in it, in realizing His/his authority, that was one part the fire hitting his back (that’s how I saw it). I have no idea what I said but when we asked what he noticed he said he saw a picture; his kidneys were touched with a ray of light (the other fire part). And he felt a lot better. I got something crazy: to teach his kidneys the gospel – and I did. It was as if the kidneys didn’t want to listen (I heard them talking and refusing to heal) because they had some other agreement than healing by Jesus Christ. I was determined by an inner conviction (a lie acquired due to having had the stroke) that he had to discard. “God test my kidneys ….” Your innermost core. At the same time, team members were determined to ask about the cause of the stroke, there was something with it. He said he gave a testimony to Roman Catholic priests and then got the stroke (fell to the ground on the spot) and had always seen it as a spiritual attack/retribution to his testimony. We saw the same (without knowing the legal ground but he was right). He had seen a demonic power when it happened (a black figure) saying ‘this is gonna kill you’. Now I understood the intimidation his kidneys were under. I asked if he could tell his kidneys this was a lie, not allowing himself 1% doubt, intimidation. There was another breakthrough! We took authority over the powers that were involved, broke the lie, and I saw him getting new kidneys. The team members saw the same; God using a 3d poke and making new kidneys for him. They declared that. He is not there yet (I saw that it is happening, not done, he has to pick up his authority further now) but he is almost there and here we are going to hear a testimony of new kidneys, I know for sure, just a matter of time
Presence Conference 2021
A man from the Netherlands who phoned through from hospital and was about to go under open heart surgery in a few days time, he said he’s had problems with his aorta valve since he was born but recently it’s got worse and worse and he couldn’t walk more than 10 metres without fainting etc so as we both prayed we were led to pray for a creative miracle for him and he got up and started walking about and seemed okay but still felt the pain in his chest. Then he told us afterwards that he believes God will heal him before the operation is due but didn’t tell anybody about that. Then his wife came in to visit him and she said the same thing. So he said he would let us know how it goes, I felt bold enough to prophesy over him that he and his wife will be on team next year.
Presence Conference 2021
One of our guests had had a stroke and still hadn’t returned to full health. One of our team had an empathetic sense of where healing needed to take place and the daughter, who was interpreting for us, stood in the gap and placed her hand as directed. Later she shared that was the exact place her
mum had been told the
Presence Conference 2021 Day 1
We prayed for a lady from Poland who has had a strong faith in Jesus for many, many years and has been a missionary. She was in a lot of pain after 4 heart surgeries for 2 ½ years and needed a carer and had so much more she wanted to do for Jesus. She knew the healing power of Jesus and had
seen the blind see and the deaf hear but had been waiting for her own healing. After prayer she felt a lightness and her face was radiant with joy. She was swinging her arms and felt no restrictions or pain! She