Limbs, Hands, Feet and Neck
Testimonies of healing for limbs, hands, feet & neck:

Testimony from IAHM Miracles & Healings Night 14-2-2024
We prayed for a young lady presenting with Autoimmune Arthritis. She had pain in all her joints and the medical people said there was NO cure. She was very much owning the diagnosis. It was explained to her that there were 2 pathways open to her, one was focusing on Jesus and the other on the world. Jesus’s pathway says this is not the diagnosis I have for you. My love is so great for you I want the very best for my daughter, and I have the power to heal you.
We prayed to separate this lady from the diagnosis, encouraging her to focus on Jesus. She was very burdened about what she could have done and what she should do. Trying TOO hard, she was asked ‘if Jesus came in now and you were lying on your bed and He says He wants to heal you, what would you do?’ Nothing, just Receive. Her demeanour was visibly changing!!
We cut off the spirit of Pain, Affliction, Inflammation, Iniquity, Fear and Confusion, cut off blood ties in family line of illness, and the fear and burden of illness worrying her family. She was glowing by this time and finally after praying God’s goodness, love and peace into her the team gave her an encouraging Prophecy for her future.
Testimony from Mid Suffolk Healing Rooms 8-1-2024
A lady had severed complications with one of her wrists the doctors said it was impossible to rectify. She has been coming to us for about 4 months every month and before our eyes she moved and flexed her wrist in ways which were impossible.
When she talked to the consultant again she said to him “would you say this is a miraculous healing” he replied “yes I would”.
Testimony from Bourne Healing Rooms 15-1-2024
“I’ve had pain in my ankles for close on two years! I had prayer at the Bourne Healing Rooms and, although nothing immediately happened, a few weeks later all pain had left. God’s healing does come at the right time when we least expect it! All we need to do is BELIEVE!
Praise to the Lord for this healing and for the love and dedication of the Healing Rooms Bourne.”
“I came here for the severe neck and shoulder pain… the team prayed for me for the pain and stiffness to be gone… Miraculously the pain and stiffness totally left me on the Tuesday and have not returned at all”
“Even though I had come to healing rooms needing prayer for something else – one of the ladies standing behind me noticed that my posture was unbalanced as my right shoulder was lower than my left. They continued to pray for it and my hip, shoulder, vertebra started to straighten up. I felt it ever so gently and I could breathe properly as my chest lifted. I thank you Lord for these Prayer Warriors and the Prayer Team here. I thank you Lord that there is such a place as the Healing Rooms where we can come to when we feel alone. Thank you.”
“Due to pulling a muscle in my neck and shoulder I was in tremendous pain. I had worked all day but was close to tears with the pain, so I went along to Healing Rooms at Costa Coffee and asked for prayer. Two of the team prayed for me and invited the Holy Spirit to come! They placed a hand on my shoulder and prayed healing and alignment in the Name of Jesus. They asked me on a scale of 1-10 how bad the pain was. It was a 10 when I arrived, but by now it was a 6, so they prayed again for more! I immediately felt a deep sense of heat like a heat pack had been placed on my shoulder and I felt a moving sensation in my shoulder, I was amazed how quickly the pain had reduced I was now about a 2 and just had minor discomfort but a real sense of peace. By the time I got home the pain had completely gone!!! It was a quite simple procedure but immensely powerful. When you pray in the Name of Jesus, it’s amazing what can happen!”
“For many years I have been experiencing neck pain, despite several appointments with my osteopath and carrying out his exercise plan, but to no avail. This resulted in sleepless nights and in the mornings my neck was very painful with limited movement. My wife suggested we visited Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee, where I was informed that the team of Christians were available to pray with me in a healing area. The team were delightful, making me most welcome. I asked them to pray for me and I was immediately put at ease. The prayer for me in the name of Jesus Christ was most moving and I felt quite distinctly, heat transferring from the hands of the two guys praying for me in the whole area of my neck.
I experienced the presence of God and the Holy Spirit and for the past six days my neck pain has been reduced by a good 90%. I have no hesitation in recommending people to the Healing Rooms.”
“I had received a blow to my neck 48 years previously and had pain ever since. After prayer I was scared to test my neck in case, I was disappointed again, but later I did and there was no pain on that side. I had to apologise to God for believing that he did not want to heal me…. After 48 years the pain has gone.”
“I had a very painful trapped nerve in my shoulder. Through the prayers I received, the Lord healed me from the pain of the trapped nerve and healed me from some unforgiveness I was holding onto. A huge sense of peace and relief followed.”
“I attended Healing Rooms due to an ongoing painful arm, neck and shoulder. In preparation I had cancelled an osteopathic appointment, which was scheduled for the following day as I felt it wasn’t right to have that as a ‘prop’ in case God should not provide healing to me that evening.
While waiting outside the reception area to the Healing Rooms, before the healing sessions began, the team were worshipping God inside the room. During their time of worship, I gently became aware that my neck, which was very stiff and was painful when I turned it to the left, had released and I was easily able to turn it. Praise God!
Although the whole of my condition wasn’t healed that evening, there was an improvement, which paved the way for osteopathic treatment to begin work – prior to that my osteopath couldn’t seem to break through the areas that were causing me difficulty.”
“I came to the Healing Rooms with pains on my back and legs. After prayers, my left leg, which was shorter than my right leg, grew out to be equal. I no longer limp. I walk straight! Hallelujah.”
“I went to the Healing Rooms for my womb and ankles, since I have had chronic problems with both causing major disruption to my life and intermittent difficulty walking because of pain, swelling and stiffness in my ankles… My ankles are much better! The weekend after I visited the Healing Rooms was physically demanding and would normally have resulted in me not being able to walk by Monday. However, my ankles were fine! My ankles would also always be stiff in the morning. So, at first, I had to keep reminding myself that I could get out of bed normally because my ankles were healed! I am so grateful for this humble, genuine, life changing ministry. Thank you everyone at the Healing Rooms. God bless you and your ministry.”
“Whilst spending time staying with friends, I was asked to go to the Healing Rooms. I suffered from hay fever and a knee condition that needed ‘key-hole’ surgery. After prayer for both conditions, I knew the Lord had healed me, my sinus became clearer. Went two weeks later to see surgeon for ‘key-hole’ surgery and examining my leg he could not find anything wrong. Praise the Lord!”
“For years, this member of Healing Rooms prayer team had had painful knees that would swell up. He prayed for his own knees to be healed and reported that they were now totally better.”
“One of our Healing Rooms Directors told us about a recent visit he had made to Burundi and one of the amazing miracles he had been involved with and witnessed. A man who could not walk and had been so for 20 years was healed. The man walked on his hands and bottom dragging his body along. Over a period of about 90 minutes the man’s body and legs began to straighten, until he was able to walk and ride a bike. His son had never seen his father walk properly at all. Sometimes we need to persist in praying with someone when the healing begins to take place. Always thank the Lord for what He has done and continue as the healing gradually unfolds. We have an amazing God!”
“When visiting Healing Rooms, I had two lovely ladies pray for healing of my left foot. I have since been able to bend my toes and stand on my tiptoes. Previously I would walk up and down stairs sideways. I am now pain free and free from heaviness of heart. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you so much to the Healing Rooms. ” I visited the Healing Rooms at Freeport in Talke with an IT Band Syndrome which had been brought on by my constant pounding of the pavements in training for this year’s London Marathon. I felt every ache and pain in the weeks leading up to the marathon, and the constant feeling that my body would not allow me to finish the race. You had a word that I was on a mission for Jesus and that he would help and support me. Well what can I say!! Although nervous on the morning of the race, I absolutely smashed it and every time I felt a little pain or negative thought, I just kept reminding myself that I was on a mission for Jesus. I finished the race pretty much pain free, but a little sore for a couple of days afterwards. I completed the 26.2 miles in 3 hours 48 minutes and raise over £3,500 for the MS Society. In total all the MS Society runners that day raised over £695,000 which is amazing. I just wanted to thank you and your team for the gifting Jesus has placed within you and felt your prayers really made a difference.” “In terms of the left foot injury that was prayed for, it is back to normal now and I don’t have any foot pain anymore. I was able to go on a 2 week cycle touring holiday without any flare ups and problems – which was amazing because before we left I was concerned that I would have to pull out during the first few days as my foot still wasn’t right. After that trip I was able to start running which was the first time I’ve been able to run in over 2 years. So, praise Jesus for His healing!”
“I went for prayer at Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee for my swollen knee which was giving me a lot of pain. I was due to see the doctor as it had not improved, and I was prompted to seek the healer – Jesus Christ. My knee was prayed for and instantly things started to happen, a movement in the kneecap, warm tingling sensation and reduction in pain. While I was there, I happened to mention some trauma I had gone through recently upon finding a sudden death at work, which had left me emotionally scared. I could not get the image out of my head and felt such guilt and fear. I was prayed for and was asked to visualise Jesus standing before me. It was an awesome experience as I saw Him in all His Glory, which I now see every time my mind goes back to that incident. The light has overcome the darkness, I feel set free – praise God. God doesn’t just heal the physical but the whole person.”
“One of the ladies from Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee saw me hobbling into Tesco hardly able to walk because I had hurt my knee. She and another lady prayed for me at Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee and afterwards she asked me how the knee was feeling. By way of reply, I showed her that I was now able to bend my knee, swinging my leg back and forth which I had been totally unable to do when I arrived! I then tested my knee by walking around Tesco and found that I could now walk normally! When I told the ladies that I still had a little twinge in the knee, they prayed again, and I then walked all around the store at great speed!”
“I had been in hospital for about 5 weeks and then home for 2 weeks. While I was in hospital and at home, I had a terrible pain in my right leg in the calf. I had had a revision of a hip replacement and they had pulled the nerve. When they equalise your legs, the nerves are stretched. The nerve in the side of my leg was unbearable like a red hot poker.
A friend took me to the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee, we were there quite early so we went round the shops and I was in complete agony with tears rolling down my face. We went into Costa and my friend sat massaging the leg to ease the pain. I was at breaking point and the only way to get relief was to lie on the sofa or the bed to raise the leg. It would ease it but it wouldn’t go. One of the prayer team came up to me and said, ‘Would you like me to say a prayer?’ The team said a prayer and asked that God would take away this terrible pain. The prayer was said 3 times. There was a strange feeling in my leg during the prayer, not the terrible pain that I’d got but a sort of a tingling. As the team asked God for healing they said that Jesus loved me.
Eventually we went back to my friend and she said we’ll have to go as she had been planning to take me back home so I could lie down. We went back to the car and my friend lives about 5 mins away. When we arrived at my friend’s house I sat in the chair and the pain just was not there. I don’t know if it had gone or if I’d blanked it out…… but it just wasn’t there, and we sat and watched television and I didn’t want to lie down at all. And we watched TV for some hours and then I was taken home. At my home, my friend asked me if I wanted to lie on the sofa and I said ‘no, I’m alright’. We both realised that I was alright! Now I am not saying that it is cured. The pain has gone. The “red hot poker” pain has gone, and it is bearable. Although I am pushed around in a wheelchair it’s no trouble, some numbness is still there, and I’ve got swelling round the ankle. I go to see the surgeon soon and he will give his opinion but what I will say to him is that ‘that terrible pain has gone and it’s due to God and the prayer team’. The pain has stayed away, and I say ‘thank you God and thank you Jesus’. We are amazed!”
“I went to Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee for prayer with a painful foot problem that I had had for about 2 months. I had been to the doctors, but they just said I needed to rest. So, I asked for prayer as it was making walking difficult and painful, affecting both feet. During the time they were praying for me I felt a slight sensation of pins and needles in the balls of my feet and afterwards there was a big improvement but I didn’t dare to think the pain had gone. The next day the pain had reduced by about 60 to 70 percent. I began to thank God for the healing and within a couple of days the pain had gone altogether.”
“I want to share this testimony, which is long overdue, that I was in agony with my right knee, and had been sent to a local Hospital for an X-ray. The results were ‘wear and tear’. I was wearing my husband’s knee brace which helped a little but was uncomfortable and inconvenient as it could not be worn under trousers. I was prayed for by the lovely folk at Healing Rooms and no pain at all after that. Not even a twinge. This was approximately 2 years ago, and I am still going strong. I believe God has healed many ailments for me over the years and consider myself very blessed that our lovely Lord wants to make us whole.”
“A member of one of our prayer teams suffered tennis elbow for 2 years. She had had six injections in both elbows and was still in pain. After attending a Healing Rooms training seminar in Oct. 2010, she started receiving prayer from fellow prayer team members and claiming the Word for her own healing. If negative thoughts came up, she would say; “No, I’m not going to look at symptoms I’m going to judge the situation by what God says”. She focused on the fact that the Word said she was healed……By June 2011 both elbows were considerably better and only felt tender when she specifically pressed on them. She went to her follow up appointment with her consultant who initially started talking about an operation. He was surprised when he was told her elbows were better. Consultant discharged her.”
“Just recently, I had been experiencing pain in my wrists, hands and forearms that seemed to come without any cause. It was very debilitating and made doing the daily tasks of life difficult.
It was prayed for by the team at Costa and 98% of the pain disappeared overnight. I had prayer again the following week and the remaining pain completely disappeared”.
“Just recently, I had been experiencing pain in my wrists, hands and forearms that seemed to come without any cause. It was very debilitating and made doing the daily tasks of life difficult.
“Several months ago, I noticed some stiffness in my fingers. Eventually the fingers became so painful that I could no longer grip a pen or operate a manual tin opener. I decided something needed to be done because it was so limiting. I went to see the Healing Rooms @ Costa Coffee. They were very welcoming and put me at ease and listened as I told the story of my predicament. They prayed with me and afterwards asked if I could feel anything different. I had to admit I could not! However, over the next few days the pain and stiffness slowly went away. I am now absolutely free of pain and stiffness and can say that I have complete use of my hands as before.”
“I would like to tell you my story about one of our training sessions for the Healing Rooms. The training sessions are times when we come together as members of the Healing Rooms to worship pray and watch training DVD’s and practice praying and waiting for the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us in healing prayer, in a safe environment.
The session started with worship as normal but then moved on through prayer and words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit, it soon became clear the Holy Spirit was moving through the room affecting some of the members. I realized I was feeling warm, even my hands and feet which were always abnormally cool due to a condition of Raynaud’s where you get poor blood circulation usually in hands and feet but also other areas of the body. Raynaud’s had affected me for many years. I was telling one of the other members of the H.R. that I may have been healed of Raynaud’s, she said she had been healed of this a few weeks earlier and prayed for healing for me. Over the days and weeks, I have not had any symptoms of Raynaud’s and am usually affected most nights with extremely cold feet and hands making it difficult getting off to sleep. I thank God for the healing. When I was talking to a friend at the squash court, I was telling him about my healing he said he suffered from Raynaud’s too so I asked if I could pray for him and he agreed. After a couple of weeks, I asked him if there had been any improvement in his condition and he said he had noticed a big improvement in his symptoms. Praise the Lord!”
I came here two months ago to ask for healing from the Lord because I had a broken arm. Last week I had my last doctor’s appointment. When he saw the X-ray, he was shocked because he thought that my arm would never get better. He was surprised that I was healed with no aching and have 100% movement in my arm. Thank you, Lord! I was ministered to on 10th June. I had a pain in my arm, and I am now healed. Praise the Lord.
On-going to the healing rooms today my left hand was healed of terrible pain in my fingers. Now I can bend my fingers without any pain. Thank the Lord.
“I noticed that just around Christmas 2008 my fingers started to become crooked. It was all very gradual, but pain also started to develop and by March 2009 the pain was extraordinarily strong. My fingers were quite crooked, I could not grasp anything in my hands, my daughter-in-law even had to cut up some of my food as I could not hold a knife and fork. I had been to the specialist at the hospital and was told that I needed an operation. I went to the Healing Rooms and as the team prayed for me my fingers visibly started to straighten; everyone saw it happening. The presence of God was strong. However, by the next morning my fingers were crooked again, and I was really upset. I received prayer some days later, but the pain was still strong, and my fingers crooked. However, I kept believing God’s word for my complete healing. I am not too sure how long it was, but one day when I woke up, I noticed that my fingers were straight and there was no pain in my hands. Praise the Lord, I was healed! The specialist had made an appointment for me to return in June, so I kept the appointment. I think he was a bit puzzled because he went through all my notes. I told him that God had healed me, but I am not too sure what he thought about that. I told him I had no pain, and I could grip well with my hands and the fingers were straight. He decided there was nothing wrong with me and said I did not need the operation and was discharging me.”
“Since last summer I had a problem with my hand, my fingers could not bend to make a fist. About two months ago I went to see a doctor and eventually got referred to a physiotherapist. When the nurse massaged my back, I was in pain and the nurse realised that the top of my spine was deteriorating, and my nerves were not functioning properly. Now I understood why I could not bend my hand properly.
In our church, we have a Healing Rooms. I decided I would go along, and 3 ladies prayed with me for an hour. That same night I lay in bed ready to go to sleep. Suddenly I felt the Spirit of God at work in my body and the bones in my back restructuring; it felt quite strange to me. The next morning, I felt great, my pain had gone, and I could bend my fingers. I praised God and thanked Him for what He had done, I was healed.”
For months I suffered from pain in my upper arms, which was aggravated by certain movements. At the Healing Rooms I had prayer. I found later, after doing certain jobs, that the healing had taken place, the tension had slipped of my shoulders and the pain had left.
Praise the Lord!! I had a tremendous healing in my hands and neck. Before I went, I had some serious pains but now I am free from pains. Jesus is the healer. I thank you Lord that you are using Betty and Tom to carry out your work. Praise the Lord!
“I noticed that just around Christmas 2008 my fingers started to become crooked. It was all very gradual, but pain also started to develop and by March 2009 the pain was very strong. My fingers were quite crooked, I could not grasp anything in my hands, my daughter-in-law even had to cut up some of my food as I could not hold a knife and fork. I had been to the specialist at the hospital and was told that I needed an operation. I went to the Healing Rooms and as the team prayed for me my fingers visibly started to straighten; everyone saw it happening. The presence of God was extraordinarily strong. However, by the next morning my fingers were crooked again, and I was really upset. I received prayer some days later, but the pain was still strong, and my fingers crooked. However, I kept believing God’s word for my complete healing. I am not too sure how long it was, but one day when I woke up, I noticed that my fingers were straight and there was no pain in my hands. Praise the Lord, I was healed! The specialist had made an appointment for me to return in June, so I kept the appointment. I think he was a bit puzzled because he went through all my notes. I told him that God had healed me, but I am not too sure what he thought about that. I told him I had no pain, and I could grip well with my hands and the fingers were straight. He decided there was nothing wrong with me and said I did not need the operation and was discharging me.”
“Since last summer I had a problem with my hand, my fingers could not bend to make a fist. About two months ago I went to see a doctor and eventually got referred to a physiotherapist. When the nurse massaged my back, I was in pain and the nurse realised that the top of my spine was deteriorating, and my nerves were not functioning properly. Now I understood why I could not bend my hand properly.
In our church, we have a Healing Rooms. I decided I would go along, and 3 ladies prayed with me for an hour. That same night I lay in bed ready to go to sleep. Suddenly I felt the Spirit of God at work in my body and the bones in my back restructuring; it felt quite strange to me. The next morning, I felt great, my pain had gone, and I could bend my fingers. I praised God and thanked Him for what He had done, I was healed.”
“Just recently, I had been experiencing pain in my wrists, hands and forearms that seemed to come without any cause. It was very debilitating and made doing the daily tasks of life difficult.
It was prayed for by the team at Costa and 98% of the pain disappeared overnight. I had prayer again the following week and the remaining pain completely disappeared.”
I was ministered to on 10th June. I had a pain in my arm, and I am now healed. Praise the Lord.
Ongoing to the healing rooms today my left hand was healed of terrible pain in my fingers. Now I can bend my fingers without any pain. Thank the Lord.
Presence Conference 2021 Day 2
Praise the Lord! In our room, we saw the Lord move in a mighty way tonight. A man with a completely paralysed arm was healed instantly, able to move his arm and lift it high. Another good night!
Presence Conference 2021
A lady from UK requested prayer to have an increase of the sense of the presence of God, as she was going through transition. She also asked for prayer for thyroid condition plus 2 other nodules in the neck, and digestive problems caused by the thyroid. The Lord gave a picture of a beautiful fuchsia covered in blossom which changed to one of the lady in camouflage clothing. The thyroid was commanded to go, all her system to line up with God’s will and healing to flow. Powerful sense of God’s presence as she received the truth that was spoken, and she left the healing room visibly changed.
Presence Conference 2022
We prayed for a lady who, when she first came into the room, was complaining that she couldn’t hear what was being said to her and was very vexed and troubled. She said she had pains in her neck and head and dizziness, balance and her right eye wasn’t right either as well as pains in her legs and hips. After talking she stated that she’d received frequency treatment in two foreign countries. So we asked her to repent of the frequency treatment and broke off any witchcraft curses, then we started to pray for her healing. The pains in her neck and head reduced from a 4 to a 1, then we prayed for the pains in her leg and hips to go also. She went away a different woman from the one who came in. She had much more Peace and she said God was clearing her spirit also.