Bourne, The Healing Rooms Bourne
Janice Paskin
Associate Director
Norman Paskin
Linda Martin
Barry Ward
Wake House
41 North Street
Bourne PE10 9AE
Costa Coffee
Unit 1, Burghley Centre
Bourne PE10 9EG
Face-to-Face ministry sessions take place at
- Wake House – on the SECOND and FOURTH Wednesdays of the month from 11.45am – 1.15pm. (No appointment necessary)
- Costa Coffee – Burghley Centre, on the FIRST and THIRD Wednesdays of the month from 1.00pm – 2.30pm. (No appointment necessary)
Zoom ministry sessions are available by arrangement. To book an appointment please call 07761 138194 any weekday between 9.00am – 6.00pm. Please leave a message if there’s no response.
NOTE: If you have a prayer request for yourself or on behalf of others, or need further information, please contact us in the following ways:
Mobile: 07538 934367
Wake House
Wake House
41 North Street
PE10 9AE
Costa Coffee
Unit 1, Burghley Centre, Bourne PE10 9EG
Since 2020 there have been many changes for the Bourne team. During ‘lockdown’ we initially kept together by praying for each other daily and circulating prayer requests by text. In September 2020 we started healing sessions over Zoom which was amazing and the Holy Spirit was very present.
Modern technology allowed us to be together even though we were physically apart! We recommenced daytime face-to-face healing sessions in September 2021 alternating weekly with evening Zoom sessions.
In March 2022 we sensed that God was moving us into a new season and that we were to release the (very large) bungalow that God had divinely provided for us 13 years ago. Many of you will know that during those years we successfully ran two complimentary ministries alongside each other in the bungalow… the Healing Rooms and The Well Head Centre, a short-term residential retreat for adults in the UK who were not coping with the pressure and stresses of life. Unknown to us at the time, God had planned for it to be used by two (related) Ukrainian families who were caught up in the war. We vacated the bungalow at the end of April 2022, the families arrived in early August but returned home after the Easter break in 2023.
We relocated temporarily to The United Reformed Church Hall in Bourne where we sensed the Holy Spirit wanted us to do things differently as we entered into this new season. We also had a word from one of our guests that “this was a new beginning and the Holy Spirit had dismantled old ways”, He alone has the freedom to guide us! Our face-to-face ministry sessions took place in an open setting with meet and greet, worship, ministry and intercession all in one large hall. Nothing happened behind closed doors. Our teams commented that this was a new and exciting time in Bourne Healing Rooms’ history and our guests were also delighted.
In January 2024 we moved to Wake House, located in a more central part of town. Our ministry continues to expand because, as of Wednesday 18 September 2024, we also hold Face-to-Face prayer sessions in Costa Coffee on North Street, Bourne on every FIRST and THIRD Wednesday of the month from 1.00pm – 2.30pm.

Testimony 5
“We had a request for prayer from a young lady following a lot of blood tests which were all abnormal. She had been waiting for an appointment with endocrinology regarding one of these tests. The appointment had been cancelled twice and the GP was concerned as it could be a tumour/fertility problem. More blood tests took place the following week. Our team prayed that all the tests would come back normal this time and that her liver function would be improved.”
Testimony 4
“I appreciated the prayers from the team on Wednesday for my painful legs. I felt the heat radiating as they were laying hands on my legs. When I woke up yesterday morning all the inflammation and pain from the phlebitis had completely disappeared PRAISE THE LORD!”
(Testimony received March 2024)
Testimony 3
“I spent 7 days in bed full of depression. I felt so heavy and empty in a dark room. I became worse as the days went on with voices inside my head telling me to cut myself, to kill myself. You’re not worth it, you’re a burden on your loved ones and you’re draining people too. It would be better if you were just dead!
This made me feel I had no purpose in life and I was just here to exist. I did not want this life stuck in my bedroom in the dark. The last two days before going to Healing Rooms I sat in silence staring at the walls. I cut my hair instead of myself. I battled the voices in my head knowing there was hope in Jesus saving me. On the Thursday I cried as I stayed alive and managed to get to Healing Rooms, praise God.
When I arrived, I was empty, heavy, scared, anxious and still hearing the voices… being told these people don’t care about you, they feel sorry for you, you’re crazy, you’re a mad crazy stupid woman. I felt the love and kindness of the people in the room, this helped me stay. I struggled to sit myself down but I did. The ministry team asked me what I wanted prayer for today. I told them suicide. I’m here for the voices telling me these things about myself. They asked if I had ever said I wanted to die and if I had done things like Ouija boards and Tarot cards, which I did as a child. I did a lot of this. I was searching for answers as to why things were so difficult. I thought the dead could tell me if my parents would be together. I stood up as they prayed and I started to shake. I kept twitching. I did not understand what was going on in my body. I repeated what they said I should say to Jesus in prayer, I struggled to get the words out to speak. As I spoke it out which I did in the end I fell to my knees. Whilst they were praying, I felt sick and was on the floor. I can’t put into words what I felt after I stood up, but I knew I was healed. The sadness and darkness turned to laughter, love, smiles, happiness and joy. Most of all peace and freedom. I felt like I was healed. I still had things to do when I got home which I did. I threw things away that were connected to my father. I had so much stuff of the Sikh religion in my home, I put it all in a bag and put it in the bin to be gone in Jesus’ Name.
This week has been amazing. The evening after I received prayer, I invited my son and his partner round. Both my sons and me and my son’s partner laughed, we ate together, we had such fun. My children had not seen this joy and laughter in me since I left the hospital weeks before. We had a great time together. It was a blessing. It’s five days since I went to Healing Rooms. I’ve not spent a day in bed since, I’ve even left my home alone and used buses alone. I got to church on Sunday using a bus alone. I used to feel unsafe and felt anxious doing these things alone, but I know now that I am not alone. I have Jesus beside me. I know he is sat in the seat next to me on the bus.
My faith has grown and I’m so hungry to know more and learn the word. I love Jesus and I thank God for His healing and for the Healing Rooms. I will return to Healing Rooms, there are still a lot of other things that need dealing with. By God’s grace, the work started in me will be completed. Praise God. He loves us so much.”
Testimony 2
“I recently suffered from a bulging disc in my lower back. The pain in my back, hip and leg was severe. I needed Diazepam, Co-codamol and physical help to get out of bed. Even with this it was very difficult as my whole body went into spasm and I couldn’t lift my feet up. The only way I could move was by wiggling my toes to slowly move my foot forwards, whilst being supported by my husband. I would then drag the other foot behind me.
I had been planning on taking someone to Healing Rooms on the Thursday. I knew they really needed to go and I know the power of prayer. I kept asking the Lord to help me. I woke in the middle of Wednesday night and was still in a lot of pain and unable to move very much. I took more painkillers and said to the Lord if you want me to go tomorrow then you have to help me. I then lay in the dark, not daring to move until the painkillers started to work, eventually drifting off to a rather disturbed sleep once the medication kicked in.
When I woke early the next morning I at once felt pain but as I started to move something felt different. It hurt, but I could move. I announced to my husband that I was going to Healing Rooms. He looked at me doubtfully, but didn’t say anything other than ‘Well I hope you can get back!’ I dressed and my husband helped me get my socks and shoes on and I got into the car with difficulty. The only way to lift my legs in was to put my seat back as far as possible and then grab my trouser legs near the calf to help lift my feet into the car. Once I was in, then I was okay. I picked my friend up, avoiding getting out of the car until we got to Bourne.
Getting out of the car was challenging and I walked slowly into the Healing Rooms’ hall. We were welcomed and shown such love. I then had the team start praying for me. I immediately felt the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the prayer team put her hand on my back. It felt comforting with no pain. Previously I hadn’t been able to have anyone touch my back as it had been too tender. As they continued to pray, I felt such peace and the pain and stiffness in my body just started to disappear. I found I could move and twist at the waist. It was lovely and such a relief that I couldn’t stop smiling. I tested my body out by walking around the room, lifting my arms up and stepping from side to side. I left a different person from the one who arrived. Jesus had touched and blessed me.
It is now a couple of days since I went to Healing Rooms. My back has got stronger each day. I still have some hip pain but that is getting better too. I am able to stand and cook and have almost stopped the medications. I believe this will be completely better any day now. This disc has bulged a number of times in the past and each time previously it has taken weeks and weeks to heal. Not this time! It just needed one miraculous touch from Jesus and a number of committed Christians to stand in the gap for me. Thank you!”
Testimony 1
“I’ve had pain in my ankles for close on two years! I had prayer at the Bourne Healing Rooms and, although nothing immediately happened, a few weeks later all pain had left. God’s healing does come at the right time when we least expect it! All we need to do is BELIEVE! Praise to the Lord for this healing and for the love and dedication of the Healing Rooms Bourne.”
Book: Simply Impossible, Impossibly Simple
Janice V Paskin
Some of you may recall that, back in 2009, my husband Norman and I set off on a God inspired journey to establish a Care Centre which would provide free, short-term accommodation for adults in the UK who were struggling with the pressure and stresses of life and needed a break in order to survive. The centre subsequently became a registered charity called The Well Head Centre which shared a building along with The Bourne Healing Rooms. Two complementary ministries working together under one roof! Along the way I kept several journals recording the day-to-day challenges, joys, frustrations, heartaches, miracles, breakthroughs, life-changing stories and more which now form the basis of this book.
To order my book SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLY SIMPLE just text me, email me or give me a call on my mobile or landline. Thanks.
Today’s book price £10.00 including P+P
My contact details are….
Mobile: 07426 171655
Telephone: 01778 424172
‘Simply Impossible, Impossibly Simple’ is now also available in paperback and e-book on Amazon UK.
Janice V Paskin is a 68-year-old grandmother of five. She has two grown-up, married children and lives in a small market town in Lincolnshire called Bourne. At the age of 19 she married Norman and they both now attend KingsGate Community Church in Peterborough. Having left school at 15 with no qualifications, Janice had a heart for the hurting and broken and knew she would have to do something about it sooner or later!
Simply Impossible, Impossibly Simple will inspire the reader to step out in faith to pursue their dream – however large or small it may be. In this book, Janice V Paskin vividly describes how her own dream to establish a safe haven for people to come and receive unconditional love and healing became a reality.
“Janice open-heartedly shares with the reader her experience of obeying God’s call to create a place for the healing of hurting and broken lives. She is captivatingly honest about her tears and tribulations as well as the waves of hope and extraordinary breakthrough that propelled her onwards when it was tempting to give up.”
ANN SHAKESPEARE – Author of God’s Gift of Tremendous Power
“If you feel that God has a plan for your life (which He does) but feel stuck or frustrated or confused, or you need fresh faith and inspiration, then this wonderful book will help you immensely.”
SIMON DEEKS – Executive Pastor & Centre Overseer, KingsGate Community Church
“This book is an honest, heart-felt read that encourages us to let God have His way through all of life’s challenges and believe that we really can do what He says we can do when we put our hands into His, and join Him in the adventure of faith.”
JONATHAN CONRATHE – Founder & Director of Mission24
'Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you'
1 Peter 5:7 The Passion Translation of the Bible