Start a Healing Rooms
If you are interested in starting a Healing Rooms in your area, then there is a 4 page A5 document, ‘Starting a Healing Rooms: The Basic Essentials’.
The document covers the essential elements in setting up a Healing Rooms in your area:
- The formation of a prayer group of those who are interested.
- Letting other churches know in your area.
- Training the team members.
- Joining the International Association of Healing Rooms through Healing Rooms England & Wales.
For a copy of this document please use Contact Us and leave us your name and email in the information boxes provided and we will send you the pdf version of the document
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Contact Us
Healing Rooms England & Wales
Danesford Community Centre
West Road
CW12 4EY
Tel: +44 (0) 7948 085337 between 10.30am and 3.30pm on Mondays and Thursdays.