By Mike Robinson Part 4
Luke 9 V62. No one looks back once he has put his hand to the plough, he is not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven. Paraphrased. It is time to press in as with a hot iron and pray for the leadership of HREW. Please step up a level and pray regularly and violently in tongues. God’s greatest gift to us is His Son. Salvation. Jesus’ greatest gift to His church is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s greatest individual gift to the individual believer is speaking in tongues because it is the only 1 Corinthians 12 that builds up the individual believer. Our own very private 100% perfect prayer language! I am sure we all need plenty of building up right now! As you and I step up a level, and step up praying in our own private prayer language the Holy Spirit will I believe show the leadership of HREW how to change and what to change and that applies to us as individuals too. For such a time as this! Pictures and words I’m confident are going to be downloaded from heaven!