Miracles & Healings Night 22nd January 2022 -The English Prayer Room will open at 6.30pm.

This event is organised and managed by The International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM). An international association uniting people called to work to promote healing ministries. This compassionate ministry offers encouragement, a sense of responsibility and accountability that we desperately need to grow healing in the Church today.

For those seeking prayer the link to the English speaking prayer team is –www.healing-ministries.org/events/miracles-healings-night-4/

The English speaking prayer room will be managed by Healing Rooms England and Wales whose members are trained and experienced prayer ministers from a wide range of mainstream Christian churches. It is their desire that all people find healing and wholeness. Their aim is to help those struggling with life’s challenges be they physical, emotional or relational. Calls are managed confidentially. Healing Rooms England & Wales for more information go to: 
