The speaker for the main event was Wes Hall. Wes Hall was part of the leadership team of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOPKC) since 2000, and a faculty member of the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU) since its inception. Formerly a practicing lawyer in the City of London, UK, Wes now focuses his energies on intercession for revival and working to see a culture of prayer established throughout the Body of Christ globally. He has a passion to see God’s people gain a clear understanding of their identity in Christ that would overflow in lives of radical obedience to Jesus in every area of society. He and his wife, Carol, have four young children; they currently reside in Germany.
This was the fifth night of the new season. Healing Rooms England & Wales (HREW) had a team of 26 prayer ministers. These were made up into 7 prayer rooms, in most there were 3 prayer ministers and 1 intercessor per room. At the end there had been 29 persons requesting prayer. Those wanting prayer came from 10 countries around the world. The prayer rooms were opened at 6:30pm and closed at 8:30pm. The prayer ministers commented that it was a great time and they had seen amazing change in those who came for prayer. At the close the team shared many testimonies of God’s healing, some of these are shown below.