The Pilgrim – by Sarah Therese Bookless
When I was about nine years of age I can remember very clearly and with tremendous fondness my favourite Sunday School Hymn. Whenever the Pastor announced ”We shall now sing Hymn Number 577,”To be a Pilgrim,” I would be over the moon with excitement!!!… and would sing it with great gusto at the top of my voice!!!
Many years later as I reflect on why I loved this Hymn so much… I realise now, that it gave me such tremendous courage and hope. Most of us will know that the Hymn is based on the book written by John Bunyan [1628-1688] and is called ”Pilgrim’s Progress”.
The story’s main character is called ”Christian” and it traces his adventures and journey from the The City of Destruction [representing earth] to the Celestial City [representing Heaven].
The story describes the various personalities and the people that Christian meets on that journey/pilgrimage. Two characters that he likes most are called ”Faithful” and ”Hopeful”. These are the people who remind him of how God has always helped him in the past and will always be there for him… now and in the future.
The Pilgrim in my painting represents all of us. I have endeavoured to depict ”devout steadfastness” on the Pilgrim’s face. No matter what trials and tribulations you and I face in life… by setting our faces like flint we know from the Bible that ”The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged”. Deuteronomy 31:8.
”For the Lord God will help me, therefore I shall not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like flint”. Isaiah 50:7.
The Pilgrim also represents all of us who desire to follow Jesus Christ… and so with our shepherd’s staff in hand we can progress victoriously with Our Saviour’s help through the storms of life as we meet and greet people on ”The Way” and also intercede for their needs, healing and salvation.
One of the verses of the hymn is…
”Who would true valour see
Let him come hither
One here will constant be
Come wind, come weather
There’s no discouragement
Shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent
To be a pilgrim.”
(Written by John Bunyan and modified by Percy Dearmer for the English Hymnal).
Our own personal Pilgrimage calls for strong discernment as the Scriptures tells us ”you will know them by their fruits”. Matthew 7:16-20.
As we hold our own Spiritual Staffs in hand ”Jesus the Good Shepherd” becomes our Teacher and Guide showing us how to Love as He loves us… by also tenderly loving His sheep [His People].
As we journey on our pilgrimage and stay close to Jesus we become more Christ like and learn from His Life and His Ministry… which is a life of service in and through the power of Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father and service to others.
I like the words of the Indian philosopher and poet Rabindranath Tagore… ”I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and found that life was service. I acted and behold service was joy”.
May the Joy of the Lord be our strength as we serve Jesus Christ, Our Servant King first and foremost and then, through loving and serving one another, I pray that we can continue to make good progress in our pilgrimage and make it safely back to our Heavenly Home Deo Gratias… Thanks be to God, Amen.
Sarah T. C. Bookless, Christian Artist
This picture is reproduced by kind permission of Sarah.
Greetings cards and prints are available of all of Sarah’s paintings. If you are interested in ordering any of them please use the contact form on: