So why then do we use standards and banners to worship Him and how is this related to healing?……………..
We all know that worship is a lifestyle. We have learned that many forms of creative expression used as a tool in worship can break through sub-conscious barriers to bring about freedom and restoration. Hurts and issues can be dealt with and cut off when there is a tangible presence of the Holy Spirit.
What is the purpose of standards and banners?……………
Standards were often large, carried carvings of animals or birds and were generally used in processionals. (We can observe this in the secular world as movements and unions often march under their standards.) Today we use standards and banners to interpret scripture and demonstrate that God is to be honoured, lifted up and above all things He is to take the highest place in our lives. The sevenfold use of banners/standards:
1 A rallying point
2 Proclamation/declaration of truth
3 An instrument of worship
4 Prophetic unction/outworking
5 Warfare
6 Intercession
7 An instrument of healing
Banners in Military: During a war a standard bearer, who didn’t carry a weapon, would walk in front of the troops to signal the way. If he was killed the next soldier in line would pick up the standard, direct their steps and continue to lead them into battle. The body of Christ is an army. We need to help carry each other’s burdens and like the miliary we need to walk together in unity to advance the kingdom, take it by force and pull heaven down to earth by whatever means He shows us.
Isaiah 31:9 “their strongholds will fall because of the terror; at the sight of the battle standard their commanders will panic”
Banners in Warfare: Satan is known as the prince of the air. As the spirit realm is in the air worshippers can use banners to break through the enemy’s territory, to bring the kingdom of God down to the earthly realm and open heavenly portals, Eph. 6 v 12 “Our battle is not against flesh and blood,” We are all called to do battle in the heavenlies.
“when the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord raises up a banner”
Bannering is used to rally believers to come into a deeper realm with Him, to touch the hem of his garment, to be set free, to embrace and engage with Father in a fresh and deeper way.
In a secular environment banners can be used as an evangelistic tool. Those who carry symbols or have the names of Jesus written on them can have a twofold effect. Either that of attracting interest and attention or people see can Jesus as the smell of death and rebuke Him.
Breakthrough and healing: Bannering can be an aid to help people who cannot move easily or have a disability to worship the Lord in a new and creative way. It can release them into their personal expression of worship and is known to bring about healing.
When we use banners in the spirit, we align ourselves with God. Firstly, we must come to Him with a surrendered heart so that we can hear from Him, then we can be a mouthpiece over His church and bride.
In our previous ministry it was not unknown, for our dancers and intercessors to use a banner to minister healing to people or to speak to them prophetically.
Protocols: To the experienced ‘bannerer’ or mature believer it is not just a case of casually picking up a ‘flag of any shape, colour, size and just slavishly waving it about’.
The movements should be intentional. He/she should have an encounter with the Lord and take their instructions from Him. He/she needs to have wisdom and discernment regarding the environment they are operating in. He/she must have spatial awareness and be conscious of the direction in which the Holy Spirit is leading.
Bannering should not be a distraction. It is particularly important in unfamiliar places to seek permission from leadership, to honour them and come under their authority. It is vital that the person using a banner is appropriately attired and modestly dressed as this is a sacred act of worship. The ‘bannerer’ should have a symbiotic connection with the worship team to interpret creatively and prophetically what the Holy Spirit is saying during the worship session “when brethren dwell in unity it commands a blessing.” It can then have the effect of changing the mood and atmosphere of the meeting and/or the environment and raise the expectancy of participants.
So, to conclude, the using of banners in worship is not to be taken lightly. There are biblical precedents and significance for their use. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are presence carriers. In our hands they are tools that can be used to open the portals of heaven and bring heaven down to earth. Banners are instrument of warfare. They can be used as a prophetic voice. They are used to break yokes, bring about freedom, healing and restoration for those who earnestly seek Him.
If you have a testimony of how God has used worship or your creative gift in healing and you believe it will encourage others, please get in touch by email
Sylvia Barnes: Director New Forest Healing Rooms
Southern area: Regional Director